Monday, May 18, 2009


All my babies were sitting together yesterday. So cute! They like to watch out the door, especially now that birds and squirrels have actually started eating out of the bird feeders.

So, I woke up today with a slight headache. Which by 11 had turned into a full blown migraine. I had never had one before and I'm sure it was way milder than some that people get but it sucked nonetheless. I couldn't really see the computer screen it was like I had stared at the sun for an extended period of time and was blinded. I also had a weird bright white spot in my right eye. I also felt like I was stuck in the middle of an intense smush head game! When I started feeling nauseous I decided it was time to drive to my moms and close my eyes for a bit. I loaded up on some advil. I was there for about an hour and a half resting then I ate some lunch and decided I could stick out the rest of the workday. My head still hurts alot but its considerably better than earlier.
I have been the only one in the office for pretty much the entire day. So lonely.

Zach got a job with mini price. He is going to start out as an assistant manager at the village drive location. So that is pretty exciting. He has room to grow there. And although he will lose his Best Buy discount I think over all it will be better. Best Buy didn't appreciate him so now he will be somewhere that does! I'm wondering if we will buy a vaccum before he leaves there....

We have also come up with a plan for saving up some money for paint, curtains and other things we are going to need to buy when he moves in. I'm pretty excited about it all. I really can't wait until we get rid of that monstrosity of an entertainment center. Although the speakers Zach got are RETARDEDLY huge not to mention the big subwoofer. Do we really need movie theater sound in such a small room? I mean c'mon. But whatever. It was his prize money and it makes him happy so I guess I can suck it up... It will be a prime spot for movie nights if anyone is interested.

I am supposed to go to a tides game with Zach and some other Best Buy employees tonight I hope I am feeling well enough. If not Kyle ( one of Zach's boyfriends) said he would take my place. HA at least I joke that because Zach spends so much time with Kyle and Brad I ask him if he is hanging out with his boyfriends. Kyle would probably enjoy the game more than me. I'm not really into baseball or any sport watching for that matter. Plus a loud game may not be the best remedy for a splittling headache. :( I really did want to see Zach tonight though. We will see...

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