Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Snag It

I do not know why I did not know about this program Snag It before... But it is totally awesome and I must have it. For anyone who does not already know it is a program that allows you to do screen capturing in numerous ways, you can have it so it captures the entire page, or a section or even a section that you select, then you can modify it, add text etc, and save it under various formats including jpeg. I am sure everyone else already knows of it and I am probably the last to discover it, but regardless it is awesome and they even offer a free 30 day trial. I am sure I can get my work to permanently purchase the software though, it is a must have.
If you are interested in downloading the free trial go here


  1. you can do that anyway on an apple with no problem dingdong!shift command 4 and drag the selection or something like that
